
Light Documentation

Not too clear in this blog but I found out the attitude and azimuth of two times during the day, [10am and 5pm], three times a year, [March, June, December]. Using a special formulae i can determine the angle of refraction and record where the light hits which is very helpful as I can edit the building where I see fit.

My Paper Model

Here's my model showing the form od my building. Using my origami method in my previous model, I attached these paper prisms using glue. This is just a rough model to experiment with the form itself. I'm bored of Light.

The [f**king] Dome.

I forgot about the stupid dome on the building! I seriously panicked when i remembered. If the dome eclipses my building I'm screwed. But thankfully the shadows don't reach my area and the Sun is on my side [grins]. Here are interior renders within the building which helps me determine where I place the stands for my objects.

New Dimensions

Thery're just too big. I need to be logical and I need to economical. Who the hell would work for me if they see my proposal? Tonnes of glass and concrete blocks to be pile high above the ground, not to mention how much that would cost! Ok. Acryllic prisms and foam concrete should do it. And there's the scale...

Render 2

Render 1

This is a render from Autocad. You can see how the light reflects off the glass aswell as the contrast between the concrete slab and prisms.

Cut Section


This is a detailed elevation of a PART of my building that highlighted in the plan. It took me too long and i had to attach each prism manually on a software called Rhinoceros. Not a nice job. Anyway I introduced a new external factor. I invited concrete slabs that connect my glass prims to other glass prisms. The reason why i did this was because I wanted to add a relief to my builgin. It's too spikey and aggressive. This effect will also add nice shadows within the building which will be a nice contrast between the pools of light.



Each programme has a different agenda which means the lighting will be different accordingly.

1- In the Display Area [green], the art will be displayed therefored needing focused light. The prisms are angled in a certain direction to aim the light.

2- In the Solarium [blue] the light need to be suttle as you move from a bright area to a dark one (the Media room needs to be dark for projection). The light is Dispersed/Diffused so the prisms are angled away from each other.

3- Interactive Area needs to be bright but not nessecarily sharp. People will be hanging out here, maybe a cafe or bookshop. So the prisms aim at the spot that needs to be lit up and are closer to each other to bounce light more.

New Strategy

Alright. I came up with a section proposal. At the top left you can see my zoning concept.
Red: Entrance.
Green: Display Area/Solarium. [movement is random]
Blue: Media Wall (Projection). [movement splits as the wall acts as a partition splitting the gallery in two]
Yellow: Interaction Center (Product Interaction Display). [movement is reveresed to exit. dead end]

Now that I figured out my programes I need to figure out what prisms I'd use.


Here you can see the surfaces but I'm having trouble combining them togethere.


There is something wrong with this. I'm not too satisfied. It looks flimsey and random. I like the scale though. Or is too high?

Coming Soon...

Im really into collages. This just gives you a feel on how this gallery is going to look like.

Its Art (yokohama, japan)

Glass vs Concrete

If my gallery is made out entirely from glass prisms, where can I have contrast in light and shadow? The glass prisms can act as the window that lets the light in, and some prisms can be concrete and act as the building blocks. I really liked the idea of projecting my work onto a surface, which will maybe collaborate the Apple store with my Gallery. So using concrete prisms that start off flat and slowly transend into a wall [as shown above] I can create a flat surface to project on. The concrete then develops in glass and lets the light in, illuminating the object of display.

Surface Exploration

My renders! I'm so proud. They're so puuuurty. These images show my prisms differently combined to combare the lighting effect created. Like their formation, the more condesned they are the finer the rays, the more spaced out, the bigger the light rays. This will help me with deciding on the type of programmes involved in my gallery.

Bob Dylan

Is this cool or what? Dylans lyrics, photos and album covers are collaged to form his face. I love it.

Gallery Concept

Okay so like my Light, the Gallery concept is similaar. I picked the Apple Store on Regent street as my site. Imagine a cluster of prisms on the roof. The prisms welcome light in aswell as reflect it out onto the city, therefore acting as a beacon for London and a good promotion for the Mac store. Right now people have to be helicoptered onto the roof [oops] but I'll figure out a way up there.

New Brief

Now that I understand the different qualities of light, and have explored the various effects that are created by prisms I feel I can now adapt my new Light into a building. What building needs light the most? At the top of my head, a Gallery.
Now that I'm working large scale I need larger prisms. I designed the top 7 prisms at different lengths so that I can have a variety of surfaces and different angled edges to create the following effects:

Diffused Light
Sharp/ Focused Light
Dispersed Light

On the right you can see how the light refracts through the prism. Although the refraction angle isnt obvious, when grouped together these prisms perform differently.

Prism Wars

We had a mini workshop this year. We had to create a mini video using flash. I used my paper prisms as objects of Mass Destruction. My prisms would use the sun's rays to refract and focus light onto the people passing by in the city. Because of the sun's intensity, the rays are hot hot hot! After killing half the populations the beast then submerges back into the group where it rests till the next friday.

My Light Model

This model acts as a prototype for the actual Light. In the slots you can see some clear resin prisms that act as a signature to my design.


Check it ooooooout! You have:
Reflection (see the carpet in the bottom photo?)
Different Gradients of Light
Diffused Light
Sharp Light.
What did I tell you?

Origami, Baby.

Okay. No way was I able to create this prisms to test it physically. I would probably have to spend 8 grand to get those babies laser cut. And making my homemade prisms took me ages so I'll never finish. Therefore I thought, maybe I could experiment with the form instead? I used paper. Ironic. But in my defense, paper produces the same qualities as glass apart from refraction. Don't believe me? You'll see.

I designed an origami template which could be folded into hollow prisms. I thought Id leave a few slots for a couple of resin prisms. The collaborations are limitless!

My Light

Lights up various objects using one light source.

A bright spot where the object is places, which is framed by geometric shadows.

Light Effect

When combining my different subdived prisms I can create differents effects. In these three cases the prisms are connected different for eg: The top collaberation consist of small prisms combined, whereas the bottom one contains mainly large prisms. So as you can see the effects vary but only in shadow.

Hiro Yamagata

Humans perceive a fraction of the light spectrum created by the sun; and what we fail to see is dazzling. This installation seeks to make the invisible, not only visible, but extraordinary. Two cubes, constructed of holographic panels embossed with a special prism coating, reflect and refract visible light frequencies, creating a prism like view of the light spectrum. The result is a spectacular array of glowing light, dancing between the cubes. The intricate display of color and light is ever evolving, treating the viewer to a myriad of changing visuals depending on the angle or time of day.
The real magic begins when the sun disappears and darkness falls. It is then that the laser system pours light onto the panels. Like the sun, the laser beams create light from the individual electron's reactions to different particles. These particles, not normally perceived by the human eye, reflect off the holographic surfaces, making the "invisible" light appear; and the view is extraordinary. The reflection of the laser beams bouncing off the four cubes creates the illusion of a color and light infused structure perched in the their center. This brilliantly hued creation of light materializes seemingly out of thin air and offers the viewer a truly unique visual experience.

Check out his work!



The pyramid prism has the most common properties of refraction which is why I picked it as the base. Using a concept called subdivision, I subdived each side of the pyramid to add more sides. The reason behind this is that the more surface area and edges there are, the more refractions I'll get from my prisms.

Check out this website:


Basically the guy shows 3 lines that continuously divide in two. Very cool stuff.

My Light

This is my light concept. When grouping prisms together I can illuminate different areas using less lighting than usual. Great energy conserver. Various collaborations great different lighting effects so the possibilites are endless. I researched the technical aspects of a prism, i.e. the refractive index, the formulae for the refractive angle, etc. I can assume I know enough to take this experiment further [with alittle help from my computer].

Maya Prisms

I wasn't satisfied with the outcome of my resin prisms so I decided to generate my crystals on a programme called Maya (3d Software). The outcome was great! The light that went through the prisms split up into different segments which has inspired me. Imagine the optimum prism that only needs one light source to illuminate various objects?

Homemade Prisms

After exploring the Light effects transformed through chandelier prisms I decided to home make my own prisms using Resin. Due to the fact that my prisms had less edges and sides than the crystal prisms, the refractions are weaker.

How to make your own Prism:
1- Out of wood, carve the prism shape you want to create (pyramids are the easiest!)
2- Vaccum cast the wooden prism to form a mould.
3- Buy a can of clear resin (this can be found in most art shops)
4- Each resin varies so read the instructions and calculate how much hardner you should mix in.
5- Slowly mix the two components or else you'll form bubbles.
6- Pour the resin into the mould and wait 24hrs.

Et Voila! Your own homemade prism!

Light Manifesto: [Rainbows]

It comes upon us by surprise and leaves us as quick as it arrived. Short-lived but for some reason brings smiles to our faces. The colours emitted, probably more awesome than what our eyes truly perceive, paint the muddy puddles and dirty glass. It rains, the sun peeps out and a mist of colour emerges as the sun beams refract its light on the final droplets of rain. How would you feel waking up to a rainbow? Or having colours streaming over your face rather than a white light? Would it agitate you? Would you see life differently? "... I was reminded of a remark of Willa Cather's, that you can't paint sunlight, you can only paint what it does with shadows on a wall. If you examine a life, as Socrates has been so tediously advising us to do for so many centuries, do you really examine a life, or do you examine the shadows it casts on other lives? Entity or relationships? Objective reality or the vanishing point of a multiple perspective exercise? Prism or the rainbows it refracts? And what if you're the wall? What if you never cast a shadow or rainbow of your own, but have only caught those cast by others?"-Wallace Stegner, The Spectator Bird, 1976
Light vs. Object, prisms and water play a huge role in how light is transformed/refracted and this is my interest at the moment. The movement of the angle as it closes near to the refractive point where white light disperses into a spectrum of colour that brings the question, what colour is light?
[Rainbows are happy endings to rainy days]


Ehem, Ehem...

I'm not the type of person who overshares, nor gives much of her opinion. I'm the type of person who sits and listens and if it gets way out of hand I then get involved. I'm an amateur at best. I can't say I've seen or done much in my life, nor can I say I've achieved my goals. I don't make my own money yet, and you can say I'm still under my parents leash [Grins].

In this blog my main focus is on architecture as it is my major, but as I have a low attention span, and get bored of things very quickly I will tend to drift off. So watch out for subjects such as: I Want All Pigeons to Die, over the Frank Gery, I Love You! topic. Comments are appreciated, but only on matters that link to my topics [Please!], especially if you think you can help when I'm stuck.

None of the images are copywrited so feel free to steal any of my ideas as I believe strongly in Karma [rolls eyes], and do excuse my spelling mistakes. If you're one of those people who have nothing to do but read blogs then you're gonna love this blog! Lots of images, and very little text! [Smirks].



Testing.. 1 2 3...